Nathan trained in Massage Therapy at West Coast College of Massage Therapy, graduating as class valedictorian in 2002, and has maintained a private practice since. An interest in the subtle and sensitive skills of craniosacral therapy kept Nathan in touch with Howard Dieno whose influence provoked Nathan’s study in Functional Technique and his philosophy on presence and listening.
In 2004, after a study group in which Arnie Lade, RAC, lent Nathan a copy of “Awareness Through Movement” by Moshe Feldenkrais, he began a study of the Feldenkrais® Method in a professional training program with Jeff Haller, transforming his work to include much more than the Swedish Massage and Neuromuscular therapies. The Feldenkrais® Method provide Nathan with a profound understanding into the integrative and qualitative aspects of our movement, giving him an awareness into which all detail and treatment can fall into.
Continuing his practice, Nathan decided to formally train in Craniosacral Therapy. Studying the Somatoenergetic model of Arnie Lade, he completed 3 levels of training in 2009.
Nathan currently has 2 boys that he raises with his wife in Victoria, BC, and as always, continues his practice and studies.