This list is growing and if you can't find what you're looking for here, please call us at the pharmacy (250-386-5100) where we may be better able to help you find exactly the help you need — in total confidence of course.

If you know of a resource that you feel belongs here, or on any of our resource pages, please do not hesitate to contact us with that information also.


Phone: 388-6656
Fax: None
Box 5671 Stn B Victoria B.C. V8R 6S4

Target Group of People: Adult survivors of alcoholic, addictive or otherwise dysfunctional families.

Services Agency Provides: Self-help organization based on the 12 Steps. Structured meetings begin by reading definition of problem and characteristics of ACOA's. Speaking not required. Usually groups meet for coffee afterwards. Also sponsors one convention annually (The Rally) in mid-spring. Tape available for information. Some wheelchair accessibility.


Phone: 383-9151
Fax: None
1402 Broad Street Victoria B.C. V8W 2B1
Mon-Fri 8am-11pm, Sat 8am-1am.

Target Group of People: Alcohol and drug-free environment for recovering alcoholics.
Services Agency Provides: Membership is $6.00 per month. Food service counter. Lounge, library and games room available. For people of all ages. 18 regular meetings a week -12 noon and evenings. Two Narcotics Anonymous meeting per week. No wheelchair accessibility.


including AlaTeen
Phone: 383-4020
Fax: None
#2-2020 Douglas Street Victoria B.C. V8T 4L1
Mon-Fri 10am-2pm. If calling after hours, a name and number will be given for clients to call.

Target Group of People: Friends and families of persons suffering with alcoholism.

Services Agency Provides: 12 Step Program — over 20 meetings from Sooke to Sidney and the Islands, usually co-ed. Friends and relatives welcome. Professionals and students welcome upon acceptability. Discussions on chosen topics.

AlaTeen — phone Alanon for information. Currently 3 AlaTeen meetings a week.

Alanon and AlaTeen are not allied with any sects, denominations, politics, institutions or organizations.
Last Sunday of the month meeting open to anyone.


Dallas House Society
Phone: 250-727-3544
Fax: 727-2205
228-1250 Quadra Street Victoria B.C. V8W 2K7

Target Group of People: Individuals and their families affected by alcohol or other drug problems, living in Oak Bay and Victoria.
Services Agency Provides: Screening for group counselling available (phone for times). Drop-in support group for early recovery issues. Group counseling available for family members. Assessments and referrals to other chemical dependency programs. Team physician available for medical consultation. Prevention activities with school and community-based programs.


Phone: 383-0415 or383-7744
Fax: None
8-2020 Douglas Street Victoria B.C. V8T 4L1

Target Group of People: Recovering alcoholics. Only requirement is desire to stop drinking.

Services Agency Provides: Primary purpose of the fellowship is to stay sober and help others do the same. Not allied with any sects, denominations, politics, institutions or organizations. Program works through support group (open or closed) meetings and sponsorship. Self-supporting through contributions of its members


12-1560 Church St, Victoria, BC
Phone: 250-721-2669
Fax: 721-3408

Target Group of People: Individuals and their families with drug and alcohol problems living in Victoria.

Services Agency Provides: Group or individual counselling available. Intake is by appointment or interview. Recommend not currently using drugs or alcohol. One counsellor focused on children, either using drugs oralcohol themselves, or stressed by parents usage. One counsellor focused on teenagers. Total of five counsellors.


Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Society (DARS)
Phone: 250-213-4444
840 Pemberton Road Victoria B.C. V8S 3R4
24 hours per day.

Target Group of People: Youths 16 yrs & up & adults in need of medically supervised withdrawal management.

Services Agency Provides: Medical detox facility — covers all of Vancouver Island. 24 hour nursing staff. Doctor on call at all times. Twenty bedsonly. Call first to arrange admission. Counselling and referral provided.


24 hour Helpline — Leave message — will return call.
Phone: 383-3553
Fax: None
Box 2884 Stn E Victoria B.C. V8W 3R9

Target Group of People: People for whom drugs have become a major problem. The only requirement is a desire to stop using them.

Services Agency Provides: 12 Step. "NA is a non-profit fellowship. As a fellowship, we love and cherish one another, supporting our new way of life together." Peer support meetings, speaking not required, no crosstalk.


Phone: 385-3038
Fax: None
Box 5332, Stn B Victoria B.C. V8R 6S8

Target Group of People: Anyone who has a desire to stop eating compulsively.

Services Agency Provides: 12 Step program. Various meeting locations and times. Co-ed. General information meeting at 1947 Cook St., Sat10:30-12:00pm


Youth & Family Substance Abuse Programe
Phone: 721-2669
Fax: 721-3408
12-1560 Church Avenue Victoria B.C. V8P 2H1

Target Group of People: "Our clients are high risk youth aged 12-19 who live on Southern Vancouver Island and whose substance abuse is problematic for themselves, their family, or for their community. We encourage the involvement of families, peers and the community during the treatment process."

Services Agency Provides: The program offers a flexible approach to meet the individual needs of the client. Offering the following: group therapy, individual counselling, family therapy, self-exploration using art/dance/music/drama, life skills training, parents support group,volunteer involvement follow-up groups, recreational activities/lifestyle alternatives, supportive peer leadership.


Phone: 381-4343
Fax: None
211-101 Island Hwy Victoria B.C. V9B 1E8
Mon-Fri 8:30-noon, 1:15-4:30pm.

Target Group of People: Residential program for drug and alcohol treatment.


1) Very intensive group therapy. Four week residential program.
2) One-week couples program with partners present. Must be over 19, and from B.C. Intake every 5 weeks (maximum 5 week wait).
3) Closed group of 28-36 clients each intake; must be off all mood-altering substances. Group breaks down to 4 smaller groups — try to have all-women's groups if possible. On completion of program, referred back to local agency (ADP).
4) Fees: $36.00 per day.

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